Monday, August 3, 2009

Oh, how our garden grows!

We are growing our little garden in the back yard. If you remember, we started this garden in April from just a few seeds, planted in dixie cups.

These plants thrived despite being moved across state lines, being attacked by beetles, and having to protect themselves against my black thumb! Nonetheless, I am proud to say....we've finally got veggies!

Here are some pics of our progress and of our first ones that popped out. We still only have two tomatoes, but we have 12 green bell peppers and a buttload (that's not an actual measurement) of basil!

Our flowers are even thriving. Some of them took a 2 story plunge off the porch in Charleston, they traveled in the moving truck for over 4 hours in the heat and survived the humid summer we've been having. They are like super flowers!

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