Saturday, October 18, 2008

Ohio Trip - Cousins

Before we even got out of Charleston to go to Ohio, Cody was talking about seeing his "cousins". He asked us a hundred times "where's my cousins?" or "go see cousins now?" the whole way up to Ohio. Well, he finally got a chance to see all of them and boy, did he have fun!

At one point, we went looking for some of the kids. I found them here with a stash of candy that they were devouring before anyone would find out. Cody was in on the secret candy hoarding with the big kids and fit in like a pro. I just had to catch a quick picture of it in action before it got broke up. Moments later they were chased out of there and the candy was confiscated by Jenny and Stacie.

Here are some pictures of me with my first cousins Jenny, Stacie and Taylor and pics of all the kids together on Grandma's porch. We went to see Taylor cheer at her Homecoming game. That was so much fun!

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