Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Learning how to read (and share)

Here is a precious moment we caught of our little babies growing up.

Cody is reading his Brown Bear book and Abby wants to see it.

Eventually, Cody didn't want to share his book, so he got Abby her own book to read.

But that wasn't as much fun...big brother's book is always better!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Bow Baby

Friday, February 22, 2008

Abby's first tooth arrived!

Abby has her first tooth poking through the that officially puts her at the West Virginia "tooth standard" - one whole tooth! That's why they call it a "tooth brush" and not a "teeth brush"....because in WV they only have one tooth in their mouth. (Just kidding!)

I just realized that you can't say the word "tooth" unless you have teeth....try it. (Sorry for any of you toothless people out there trying to say it and are just spitting everywhere.)

Now its time to buy another toothbrush, go to the dentist, monitor the candy intake, pray for no cavities or braces needed...and that's just for me! : )

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A new look

I have been wanting to do something different with the look of the I have updated the template. Its still not quite right yet, so don't be surprised if I try out a few "looks" over the next week or so. Any suggestions?

Monday, February 18, 2008

An afternoon at the Aquarium

Saturday, we loaded up the kids and went to the Aquarium. As soon as we walked into the building, Cody yells, "WOW!" and everybody turned and looked. He then started pointing at the big tank ahead saying, "Fish! Fish! Fish!" I just looked at those folks who were watching us and said "First timer." Although we had actually taken Cody to the Aquarium about a year ago when he was just learning to walk and he was more interested in escaping from us than looking at anything. Here is a view of the Charleston Harbor from the Aquarium:

The kids started out in the double stroller, but after we got inside, Cody wanted to walk, run and sometimes be held....anything but sit down in a seat. Here is sweet Abby hanging out in the back seat taking it all in.

Because Abby was in the stroller, I had to take the elevator while Clay & Cody went up the escalator. By the time I made it to them, Cody was crying and had a mouth full of blood! Clay said that he had busted his lip on the was pretty gross. Other mommies were huddled around trying to see what was wrong and Clay had a baby wipe trying to clean up the carnage. (it wasn't too bad, but it was more than he's ever bled before!) Finally Cody gave me a hug and then stopped crying...he turned and ran right back to the slide. He's tough.

The rest of the visit was fun. Cody was in amazement of everything. (I love this age!) Every corner started with this phrase, " What's that?" And of course more expressive yells of "Fish! Fish! Fish!" were to be heard as we saw the great big tank that had the sharks in it. He saw a hawk, a crab and some other little things like frogs, salamanders and such.
Here is a picture of Cody with all of his new animal friends. : )

Friday, February 15, 2008

From Toes to Tourists

What a great day! I enjoyed the first part of today with my friend Amber and we had mani-pedi's and then had lunch on Shem Creek. It was great!

Then, I met up with my new friend Lauren and showed her around downtown Charleston. She had never seen the sweet grass basket ladies up close. The tiniest little baskets were $10 bucks each and one really big basket was $750.00! (We didn't buy any if you are wondering!)

Seeing all of the beautiful sights made me realize that I need to go downtown more often. We went all over and took some cool photos. Here are some pictures from the rooftop over Grill 225 and the Rooftop at Vendue Inn.

We then went to Waterfront Park and walked out to the end of the pier. We saw a cargo ship coming into the harbor and got a good shot of a seagull and lots of poop!

Here is one of Lauren at the fountain...she wouldn't run through the water though.

The Southeastern Wildlife Expo is going on this weekend, so we got a chance to see some cool animals in Marion Square....

...the alligator ate Lauren at the sad!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Cody kisses Abby and Abby licks him back...precious!

Happy Valentine's Day from the Stuckeys!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Kenzie vs. Fire truck

This week, Cody got to go to a fire station and see the big trucks. Let me first preface this by saying that Cody LOVES fire trucks. He has fire truck pajamas, fire truck hotwheels, etc. One night, he saw one drive past us and he kept saying "frierfruck" (that's fire truck for those of you who don't speak toddler-ease) over and over again. So, we decided to take him to the fire station and let him see one up close.
Good idea right? Nope. He hated it! He clung onto me so tight and didn't want to look at or touch anything. The fireman was so nice and even gave Cody a Junior Firefighter sticker and a plastic hat (which he refused to wear). He said that it is common for kids to freak out a little when they see them up close like that.
Well, even though Cody didn't like it, Clay & I enjoyed the tour of the big fancy trucks. I loved it! Cody just didn't appreciate it at all. Abby was just happy to be there but didn't really seem too interested in anything. Oh well, maybe we will try it again on another day.

To finish off the week, we spent some time with our friends and Cody got to play with "Kenzie". Here are a couple of pictures from dinner. She is so beautiful! I can't believe how big she is getting. At least we can say that Cody likes hanging out with "Kenzie" better than fire trucks.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

"I got a new drug..."

I thought that the amount of time and energy I have been investing into this blog was more than I could manage to squeeze into a week, but now I have been introduced to yet another way to waste huge amounts of time in order to be electronically connected to more people who I rarely would ever speak to in person. It goes by the name of:

Haven't heard of it? Oh it should be called "crack book"...because it is totally addicting! You start off by trying to build up "friends" who also have facebook pages (I guess that's what they are called).

Need friends? No problem. Simply look up names of people you know.

Can't think of names right off hand? No problem. Type in any place you have ever lived, went to school, worked at, been to, thought about going to or know someone who has ever lived there, worked there or knew someone else who might have been there...(get my drift?).

Then you get huge lists of "facebookers" (my made-up word that is equivalent to being a "blogger"). Don't see anyone there you would want to invite as your friend? No problem. Just click and look at all of their friends. See someone on their friend list that you would want as your friend? Just click and invite them. Before you know it you have lots and lots of new friends.

Everybody likes to have friends, but how many friends do you really need? That's when the addiction kicks in. You think..."Man, I only have 4 friends right now. I bet I can think of some more people I know." So you end up looking up anyone who has attended your high school 10 years before and after you trying to figure out if you have ever heard of any of them.

Ah, you found one! But do you think they would want to be your friend even if you haven't spoken to them in 15+ years? Hmmm...who cares! I NEED MORE FRIENDS!!!!!! (and the addicition is now full-blown)

By the way, if anyone wants to be my friend, just write on my wall or send me a message to my facebook and I'll gladly accept. Maybe we can be BFF or something cool like that. : )

Monday, February 4, 2008

Pizza Cheese

Cody was just too cute tonight. He was walking around in his cowboy boots....I guess he thinks it makes him look cool. (and it does!) Then he found this pizza box lid in the trash and was walking around the house saying "knock, knock...there?!". By the time I got the camera, he had stopped saying it (of course), but I thought I would share it with you anyway.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Abby is almost crawling!

Abby is on the verge of crawling! She can push up with her upper body and then squirms and twists and pushes herself until she actually starts moving backwards. I'm not sure how but she does it. Here are some shots I took of her trying to move around. I was coaching her on and Shady (the cat) even tried to help encourage her....but no forward movement as of today. We will keep you posted.

Cody's First Car Show

Cody & Abby went to their first Car Show today at the Gilliard today. There were only about 50 or so cars there. I remember going to really big car shows growing up so this one seemed rather small. They handed us a ballot as we entered that we were to use to vote for our favorite. This one was my favorite....

It was a 1956 Olds "98 Holiday". It had 88,000 miles on it but it didn't look like it had touched the pavement. The seats had been restored (at least the leather part), I think he said the green part was original. Some of the chrome had been replaced with stainless steel. Some really neat features that it had was power windows, power antenna, a 6 way power seat and an autronic eye in the window - this automatically dim the lights when it sees an oncoming car. Being there today really makes me wish that we had a hot rod. I just love car shows!!!!!

Oh yeah, this blog was called "Cody's First Car Show". He liked it too. I think he liked the "cycles"...they had motorcycles entered too. And he liked the Corvettes - but what boy doesn't? Abby was asleep most of the time and when she woke up she didn't seem too impressed. One lady came up and was asking me how old "he" was and telling me how cute "he" was....she was saying all this while I was fixing the bow in Abby's hair. Hello, she's a girl! Oh well.