Keeping friends and family updated on the latest & greatest going on in the Stuckey household.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Learning how to read (and share)

Sunday, February 24, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
Abby's first tooth arrived!

Now its time to buy another toothbrush, go to the dentist, monitor the candy intake, pray for no cavities or braces needed...and that's just for me! : )
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
A new look
Monday, February 18, 2008
An afternoon at the Aquarium

Friday, February 15, 2008
From Toes to Tourists

Then, I met up with my new friend Lauren and showed her around downtown Charleston. She had never seen the sweet grass basket ladies up close. The tiniest little baskets were $10 bucks each and one really big basket was $750.00! (We didn't buy any if you are wondering!)

We then went to Waterfront Park and walked out to the end of the pier. We saw a cargo ship coming into the harbor and got a good shot of a seagull and lots of poop!

The Southeastern Wildlife Expo is going on this weekend, so we got a chance to see some cool animals in Marion Square....

Thursday, February 14, 2008
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Kenzie vs. Fire truck

Well, even though Cody didn't like it, Clay & I enjoyed the tour of the big fancy trucks. I loved it! Cody just didn't appreciate it at all. Abby was just happy to be there but didn't really seem too interested in anything. Oh well, maybe we will try it again on another day.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008
"I got a new drug..."

I thought that the amount of time and energy I have been investing into this blog was more than I could manage to squeeze into a week, but now I have been introduced to yet another way to waste huge amounts of time in order to be electronically connected to more people who I rarely would ever speak to in person. It goes by the name of:
Haven't heard of it? Oh it should be called "crack book"...because it is totally addicting! You start off by trying to build up "friends" who also have facebook pages (I guess that's what they are called).

Need friends? No problem. Simply look up names of people you know.
Can't think of names right off hand? No problem. Type in any place you have ever lived, went to school, worked at, been to, thought about going to or know someone who has ever lived there, worked there or knew someone else who might have been there...(get my drift?).
Then you get huge lists of "facebookers" (my made-up word that is equivalent to being a "blogger"). Don't see anyone there you would want to invite as your friend? No problem. Just click and look at all of their friends. See someone on their friend list that you would want as your friend? Just click and invite them. Before you know it you have lots and lots of new friends.
Everybody likes to have friends, but how many friends do you really need? That's when the addiction kicks in. You think..."Man, I only have 4 friends right now. I bet I can think of some more people I know." So you end up looking up anyone who has attended your high school 10 years before and after you trying to figure out if you have ever heard of any of them.
Ah, you found one! But do you think they would want to be your friend even if you haven't spoken to them in 15+ years? Hmmm...who cares! I NEED MORE FRIENDS!!!!!! (and the addicition is now full-blown)
By the way, if anyone wants to be my friend, just write on my wall or send me a message to my facebook and I'll gladly accept. Maybe we can be BFF or something cool like that. : )
Monday, February 4, 2008
Pizza Cheese
Cody was just too cute tonight. He was walking around in his cowboy boots....I guess he thinks it makes him look cool. (and it does!) Then he found this pizza box lid in the trash and was walking around the house saying "knock, knock...there?....pizza!". By the time I got the camera, he had stopped saying it (of course), but I thought I would share it with you anyway.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Abby is almost crawling!

Cody's First Car Show

It was a 1956 Olds "98 Holiday". It had 88,000 miles on it but it didn't look like it had touched the pavement. The seats had been restored (at least the leather part), I think he said the green part was original. Some of the chrome had been replaced with stainless steel. Some really neat features that it had was power windows, power antenna, a 6 way power seat and an autronic eye in the window - this automatically dim the lights when it sees an oncoming car. Being there today really makes me wish that we had a hot rod. I just love car shows!!!!!