Friday, May 8, 2009

We're Moving!

Clay has been offered a fantastic job opportunity in the RTP in Raleigh, NC. We will be packing up and moving the whole family there in a few short weeks.

I'm still in shock from it all, so no big sappy post this time. I've got a huge house to sort through in order to make this move a little easier. Plus, I need to find a way to see everyone before we go....*sniff* ok, can't have any tears yet!

I'll post more often and keep everyone in the loop once we find a new home and decide what we are doing with this one. Is it possible to take our bathroom & closet with us? Hmmmm...


Super Rog said...

I hate to see you move. But, can you leave Abby Dabby Doo...I need her hugs and smile.

Teresa said...

Welcome to Raleigh! I'm relatively new as well (from Canada, now in Cary, NC). I left some links on my twitter page for you about recycling and composting. Feel free to send me a direct message if you'd like more info. Take care!
