Saturday, April 26, 2008

Things I never thought I'd say...

You remember the show "Kids say the darnest things", right? We'll I thought I should start show called "Parents say the darnest thing"....since kids often bring out the best in us! So I'll start off with a few of mine and let you guys add to the list. I'm sure some of you have some good ones to add to this bring it on!

Things I never thought I'd say:
  • Its too quiet...what's he in to?
  • Get out of the cat food!
  • We don't throw things in the car!
  • Don't hit your sister or you'll get a spanking!
  • Do you want sugar rocks in your chicken milk ? (ice in your chocolate milk)
  • Yes, I see put it back in your pants!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

(little) Man on a Mission

Cody has been caught in Abby's crib on occassion, but we had not yet figured out how he was doing it. I finally caught this moment on camera the other day and got a good laugh out of it. I thought I would share with you the determination and stamina of a toddler on a mission. Enjoy!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Backyard Bible Blog Begins!

I just started another blog for those who will be hosting, helping or attending a Backyard Bible Club this summer. Let people know that they can sign up for thier BBC Host Packet. I'd love some feedback on it, so keep checking in on the blog and let us know how we can make it fun for everyone this summer. Yeah! : )

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I'm Back!

Over a week and no posts on the know something must be up. Oh yeah, sickness has crept into our world. Clay & I just got over strep throat. The kids were fine...too fine actually. Cody and Abby have had unbelievable strength and energy these past few days. When all we wanted was sleep, the "dynamic duo" wanted to play hard and skip naps. How did they know that our energy level was running on fumes?
This morning, we found Cody IN Abby's crib along with about a dozen books, several Hotwheels cars and some other toys. We still aren't sure how he did it or how long they were in there playing together before we noticed it. I think its about time to give them their own rooms. What do you think?