Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day Daddy!

This is such a sweet picture of my dad dancing with me at my wedding five years ago. I remember thinking how sweet it was that I was actually dancing with my dad. I don't remember ever doing that before. I was just trying to take every second of it in while encouraging him to keep moving....I think at one point he was just standing still. Dad never told me what he was thinking about during our dance, but I think his expression says it all!

Well, today is Father's Day, so I thought I would share some of my favorite things about my dad:
Early years:
- Dad drove me to school most mornings and picked up a grilled cheese with mayo at Bill Mack's Diner on the way...I probably had the highest cholesterol in my elementary school!
- He let me go with him and sit in the firetruck while he was on a call...I was (and still am) proud of him for serving in the fire dept for almost 30 years!
Teen years:
- Dad always said "I love you" even though I always responded with a "me too" response (I was a stubborn kid)
- Taught me to drive...threw a fence! (who knew the brake and the gas weren't the same thing?)
- He came to all of my football games when I was in the band...definitely my biggest fan!
College and beyond:
- Marshall football I need to say more? (Go Herd!)
- Encouraged me to finish school no matter what...thanks for letting me change my major several times! (so it took five years...but I finally graduated!!!)
- Helped me move all of my stuff to South Carolina from Ohio...I know that had to be hard for him.
Now that I'm grown up:
- Gave his ok to Clay to marry me....definitely one of the best decisions he has ever made!
- Showed up for both of the grandkids' births....that meant the world to me!
- Still loves me no matter what!

Thanks daddy for just being so good to me over the years....I think you are even better as a "Poppy" to my kids! I love you and can't thank you enough for all you've done. I wish I could be there with you today to give you a big hug and kiss. We all love you so much! Happy Father's Day!

1 comment:

Robinson Family said...

It was THIS picture that caused be to LOSE it at church yesterday. This is the most precious father/daughter picture ever.