The purpose of my trip to Ohio was to be there for my mom as she underwent cataract surgery. It really wasn't a big deal, but she was nervous and I wanted to be there for her. She will probably kill me for posting these pictures, but she knows its inevitable...sorry mom! : )
For starters, she got the coolest blue bonnet to wear that morning. Seems like they could have invented something a little more discrete....I mean, that just screams "cafeteria lady" or circus clown, right.

As they were inserting the IV, we were trying to make small talk to keep her focus off the pain. I asked the nurse if the doctor was going to write on her head which eye to work on, so they didn't accidentally cut off her foot. Two minutes later, in walks Dr. Lilly with a pen and he wrote his initials over her left eye. Mom asked if "DL" stood for "Do the Left Eye". I guess that could be it too.
The surgery only took about 40-45 minutes and mom was wheeled back to the room. She was mumbling about bees and I was certain that she was still high on the meds. She wasn't though. I'm not sure why, but the doctors had been discussing bumble bees during her surgery, so for the last 45 minutes she heard nothing but "bee talk". I'm sure she was glad that was over!

Next, came time for the recovery talk and instructions for the eye drops. She also got an eye-patch/bubble that she had to wear over her eye so she wouldn't accidentally touch it. He gave her some really cool black sun glasses to wear home. Here is a picture of me & mom with our shades on.

After that, she was a free woman! Just a quick ride in a wheel chair and she was out the door. I am proud of her for doing so well and for being a good sport.... and for letting me take all these pictures & post them on my blog. I love you Mommy! : )
1 comment:
thanks a lot terri.....i really do appreciate you being here
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