The kids had a Luau Party at school today. They have been studying Hawaii all week and had a big party to wrap it all up. Clay & I went to join in the fun. We got to help serve the food and drinks and get the kids dressed for the party. Man, Miss Margaret & Miss Gwen have their hands full. They are so sweet and patient with the kids....we love them!

They had made cute Hawaiian skirts, leis & hats. All of the parents brought fruit and the kids sampled it all...I was impressed to see they were eating fruit that I won't even eat! Cody was so cute in his shirt and hat.

Abby had a grass skirt and lei on for about 30 seconds then took it off. Unfortunately, we didn't get a picture of her class because we were in Cody's room most of the time. She had brought her ukelele to school for show-and-share. They said she strummed it a few times and said "round and round" and "beep, beep, beep" (that's her version of The Wheels on the Bus"). I wish I had got that on video!

In addition to learning about the number & names of the Hawaiian islands and learning about the culture, they have been learning about the word "Aloha" this week. We use it as the traditional Hawaiian greeting to say "goodbye and hello", but the word actually means "love". I didn't know that! See, I even learned something!
Next week, the kids will be learning about various forms of transportation used in Manhattan. They will be learning the letter "Ii", the number "5", the "rectangle" shape, the color "blue", and all about the big city of Manhattan! Ooohhh, sounds like fun! Maybe at the end of the week, we can have a NYC Party. We will all wear black, avoid eye contact with each other and teach the kids to pick pockets. We can pump in sewage smells and eat street food for snack. : )
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