Monday, March 17, 2008

Slam on NewSpring

A few months ago I went with some friends to visit NewSpring Church in Anderson, SC. You can read my post about it here, but to sum it up - I loved it! The series was called "Crank It Up" and they opened with the song "Money" by Pink Floyd. They went straight into some great Christian music and even had a sermon - imagine that! Well, not everyone loves contemporary church styles - Pastor Steven Anderson from Arizona calls it "liberal" church. Watch this video to hear his take on NewSpring Church. NewSpring is starting a series on Easter weekend called: Sex, Money & Power: The Man Series...I wonder what Pastor Anderson thinks about that?


Mama Grizzly said...

That makes me want to drive to Greenville and donate money to New Spring!

Robinson Family said...

I never realized reaching out to others in Christ could be called "junk". Interesting...

The Stuckey Family said...

I like where he describes the "liberal church" as a place where "nobody ever got baptized, nobody ever got saved, and there was a rock band...and the NIV and all that stuff" I don't know what kind of church he was referencing, but our "liberal church" baptizes, saves and rocks...and we use the NIV! : )

The Delaney Family said...

I had several friends in college whose pastors taught them that the only "correct" version of the Bible is the KJV...All others are "of the devil". Man, then I must be livin' the big life of sin, because I read them all! :)

Lauren said...

What the heck!? That's love?? Are you it love to go and bash your Christian brother in the pulpit for ten minutes. Oh man this pisses me off so much. No wonder there is no unity in the body of Christ. What ticks me off even more is that all those people in the congregation are eating up what he is saying. What in the world????

Anonymous said...

This is the same guy that states that Billy Graham is the worst person that the church has ever seen ...

Sadly people follow this moron.