Cody has been doing something to get our attention where he will dramatically ask,"what's that noise?" It usually gets us to pause and listen to see what he is hearing. Normally, it is the dog barking or Abby crying, etc.
This morning, Cody came downstairs and climbed up into bed with us as usual. He did his shocked question of "what's that noise?" I listened carefully and then said that it was just the fan. He responded, "oh, the fan."
He waited a minute or two then, he said it again...."what's that noise?" I asked him what noise he heard. He said, "the bed!" Sarcastically, I asked him, "well what sound does the bed make?" To our surprise, he jumped up and down and said, "boom, boom, boom, bang, bang, bang...." (*blushing*) What!? We started laughing so hard....he is such a funny (and observant) little kid. Clay asked me if that story was making the blog....I debated about it, but thought sure, why not? Other people may not find it as funny as we did, but it's one for the books. : )
Great story! :)
Believe it or not, even I am beyond words for this one.
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