Friday, February 22, 2008

Abby's first tooth arrived!

Abby has her first tooth poking through the that officially puts her at the West Virginia "tooth standard" - one whole tooth! That's why they call it a "tooth brush" and not a "teeth brush"....because in WV they only have one tooth in their mouth. (Just kidding!)

I just realized that you can't say the word "tooth" unless you have teeth....try it. (Sorry for any of you toothless people out there trying to say it and are just spitting everywhere.)

Now its time to buy another toothbrush, go to the dentist, monitor the candy intake, pray for no cavities or braces needed...and that's just for me! : )


Super Rog said...

Now you leave WV alone. Their a nice bunch of cousins.

Anonymous said...

I was born in WV and we don't marry our cousins anymore....we just limit it to playing spin-the-bottle at family reunions.

Super Rog said...

Just my luck. I make a sarcastic comment, but I spelled 'their' wrongly. I meant to say "they're"