Keeping friends and family updated on the latest & greatest going on in the Stuckey household.
I decided to give Cody a Chocolate PopTart for breakfast. That wasn't very smart on my half. Here is a picture of him as he finished it off. Too bad this picture couldn't catch how sticky he was too. He had chocolate everywhere! I know his teachers must think I am a horrible parent that he looks like a disaster by the time he gets to school. They probably say, "Oh look, there's Cody. You know the sticky one." Or maybe they just call him "Cody Sticky". Oh well...I can only do so much right? At least he hasn't come to school naked (yet).
I said that I would dedicate a whole blog entry to the garage (I will once it is finished). I thought I would give an update while it is still in the process of being cleaned. Here is a picture of the first load of trash out on the street. It happened to rain that morning too. It is amazing that we had that much junk. Someone said we looked like "Sanford & Sons". : )
And here is a picture of the Stuckey Cousins all together. Heath, Willow, Cody & Abby. We had lunch with them and the Grands. Heath informed me that eating Mentos and drinking Coke will make your stomach explode. Willow quickly added that it may not make a person's stomach explode, but it will make a pig's stomach explode. I figured out that they had seen that experiment on an episode of MythBusters and were pretty impressed by it. Who wouldn't be?